Sunday, September 16, 2012


Almost full light out in the dark sector. Also, check out the snow
drift, MAPO Mountain, that built over the winter. It is about as
tall as I am.

So, we’ve had a fairly eventful couple of weeks here. The equinox is on the 23rd, so it is almost fully light out, at least when the weather is good. I switched back to day-shift at the beginning of the week, which was a little rough in terms of sleep, but it is nice to see people and feel like part of the community again. We’ve also started getting ready for station opening. The runway has been groomed and flags have been placed marking out the crossing zone (between the station and the dark sector), and for where the South Pole Airport will get placed once it gets dragged off the berms. Let’s see, the window covers came down on the 10th, so we’re not living aboard a submarine anymore. That has been great, particularly at dinner. At that time the sunrise has moved into view, and since the windows are tinted, the colors tend to be intensified, making for some pretty surreal oranges and pinks in the sky.
In decent weather, we get colors like this.
For Sunrise weekend, this is what we got. You can see a vague outline of the
station, about a 1/4mi from cryo, where I took the picture.
We celebrated Sunrise this last weekend, with Sunrise dinner on Saturday night. A group of us kicked off the long weekend by setting up the drive-in movie theater in the gym.
Lots of sci-fi/fantasy showing this weekend.
Sunrise dinner tends to be less formal that the other winter holidays, so this year’s theme was a 50’s-style greasy spoon, complete with the bus-boys/servers dressed like greasers. 
My dinner table, with menus/games and crayons.
L to R: Chris (not pictured), Jared, K-ris, Heather, Doc, Guy, Tracy, me (not pictured)
The projector had also been set up in the galley, so Grease played during dinner. JP also debut his short film, “A Warm Place”.

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